
Dr. Nick Dugan


I grew up in Jersey City and was an avid basketball and recreational sports athlete. I earned my Bachelor’s Degree in applied kinesiology and health, from Rutgers University in 2018. At Rutgers, I interned with the athletic training department and worked closely with the football team for 3 seasons. I continued my education at New York University, where I earned my Doctorate in Physical Therapy in 2021. 

During my graduate studies, I completed internships at Resilient Performance and EXOS while also becoming a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist.

I learned to develop a deeper understanding of patients’ symptoms to optimize recovery and provide the most comprehensive treatment for my patients to achieve their goals.

I am excited to join the Myokinetix team and am looking forward to being a part of the rehab journey of whoever seeks our assistance. In my free time I enjoy going out to eat and rooting for the Brooklyn Nets and Philadelphia Eagles!

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