
Patient Spotlight John Nicosia: How He Overcame an ACL Injury And Getting Recruited For Football

Reading Time: 3 minutes

John Nicosia is a senior at Seton Hall Prep High School. He sustained a knee injury (ACL and meniscus) on the first game on his Junior season in 2018. He worked his way back and earned a starting spot as an outside linebacker. He was leading the state of New Jersey in tackles and helped his team make it to the second round of playoff.

His performance got him a scholarship to play at Susquehanna College where he will be completing for a starting position.

If you want to learn more about his journey and how hard he worked to get to where he is today, you can listen to our PODCAST here.

We went over his journey from the beginning to the end to discover what were some of the physical and mental challenges he faced and how he overcame them.

John also has an amazing support system from his parents that helped guide him during this process. We asked them to share their experience and how they were able to their son get back to playing the sport that he loves and receiving a scholarship.

Here are the questions that we asked them to share with us

Tell me who you are, where you’re from and a little bit about the injury your child went through

Vincent and Michele Nicosia from Cedar Grove, NJ. Our son, John, had an ACL and meniscus tear.

Tell me about your Myokinetix Performance and Recovery experience – what have you gotten out of coming to see us from a parent perspective

Dr. Natty made an immediate connection with Johnny and made him feel comfortable. We quickly realized Dr. Natty had a plan and our son was in great hands.

Tell me what you love most about Myokinetix and why?

Dr. Natty and his team place a high emphasis on a personal connection with his patients. Every session had a defined purpose for the day and was modified accordingly.

Tell me about the challenges you as a parent was facing you came to Myokinetix Performance and Recovery?

As parents, our hearts were broken knowing what Johnny lost that year and the challenges he faced. Our decisions moving forward after his surgery were critical. But the more confidence we saw in Johnny after every week of sessions put our minds at ease and assured us that we chose the right therapist and Johnny was on the best path possible.

How long did you wait to come and see us – and why?

Dr. Natty and Myokinetix was our surgeon’s first choice of therapists and we contacted him before the surgery. Johnny had pre-hab with Dr. Natty for three weeks prior to surgery per our surgeon’s recommendation.

What was your big goal of coming to Myokinetix Performance and Recovery – and how did we help you and your family achieve it?

Due to the timing of Johnny’s injury we knew his Junior football season would be lost. We were confident Johnny would make a full recovery with Dr. Natty’s assistance. Our goal was for Johnny to return at 100% before his Senior football season started.

Why was your Myokinetix Performance and Recovery Experience worth the time and money?…

The result of Johnny’s recovery was everything we hoped for and more. With Johnny’s perseverance and Dr. Natty’s team expertise, Johnny came back with a vengeance, stronger than ever, and had a Senior season to remember!

Did you have any reservations about coming to see us – prior to saying yes?

Not one.

What do you want other parents to know about Myokinetix Performance and Recovery that only they could understand if they’re nervous/skeptical/or have been let down in the past?…

You should have no worries about going to Myokinetix. You will be in excellent hands from day one.

What was the MOST valuable takeaway from your experience?

Not only did our son fully recover from his injury and exceed expectations, but it feels like he gained another family member in Dr. Natty. We feel the same.

What advice would you give to other parents that are currently taking care of an injured child and are looking to come to Myokinetix Performance and Recovery?

Nothing compares to the individual attention and the results you will receive at Myokinetix.

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