
Knee Rehab

Step-by-Step Plyometric Progressions for Knee Healing

Reading Time: 5 minutes Introduction There is no question that returning to peak performance after a knee injury, whether it’s an ACL tear, meniscus injury, or any other knee ailment, requires diligent rehabilitation.  It is extremely important to build strength, stability, and confidence in your knees. That’s where a systematic plyometric progression comes into play. It’s designed to rebuild […]

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How to Master Your Box Jumps After a Knee Injury

Reading Time: 4 minutes Recovering from an ACL injury or any knee-related setback can be daunting, especially for athletes who rely heavily on explosive movements like box jumps. However, the journey back to peak performance is not insurmountable.  In this blog, we’ll walk you through step-by-step techniques to regain confidence and strength in your box jump after a knee

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Run The Marathon Safely with These 3 Strengthening Exercises 

Reading Time: 3 minutes If you are an avid marathon enthusiast, our goal is to support your passion for pounding the pavement by eliminating any potential hindrances in your running journey. We are dedicated to providing the tools and expertise you need to not only continue enjoying the thrill of marathons but also to enhance your overall running experience.

Run The Marathon Safely with These 3 Strengthening Exercises  Read More »

Essential Hamstring Strength Exercises for Knee Health

Reading Time: 7 minutes Have you ever considered the balance between your ‘gas’ and ‘brake’ muscles? Think about this: your quads power your speed, acting like a gas pedal, while your hamstrings function as brakes, slowing you down. But what happens if one is significantly stronger than the other? This imbalance, often seen after knee injuries like ACL tears

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Regain Strength After ACL Surgery with these Exercises

Reading Time: 7 minutes Recovering from knee surgery might seem overwhelming, but with targeted exercises and dedication, you can return to peak performance. Explore the advanced bodyweight exercises specifically tailored to aid your recovery journey after ACL surgery. Whether you’re aiming to get back to the gym, hit the field, or excel in sports, these exercises will help you

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Enhance Your Knee Injury Recovery with the Power of Acupuncture

Reading Time: 3 minutes Knee pain can be an incredibly debilitating issue, often stemming from injuries affecting the meniscus, a crucial cartilage-type structure nestled between the knee bones. While sudden twisting or cutting motions represent the most common causes of meniscus injury, prolonged stress on the knee joint can also gradually lead to such injuries, varying in severity from

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Surviving Marathon Season: Protecting Your Knees to Finish Strong

Reading Time: 4 minutes Marathon season is in full swing, and avid runners are preparing to push their boundaries and aim for the coveted finish line. But amidst the excitement, it’s crucial to confront a stark reality: a substantial number of runners fail to complete their marathon journey due to injuries. Shockingly, a staggering 21% of dedicated runners fall

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A Firefighter’s Recovery – Myokinetix is a Haven for Self-Improvement

Reading Time: 3 minutes How Ryan McPherson Beat Tendinitis Myokinetix is for everyone, and we mean it when we say that. Myokinetix is not just a place for injured athletes but where people in our community can come together and work on becoming their best selves. This includes those who keep our community safe, like firefighter Ryan McPherson. Before

A Firefighter’s Recovery – Myokinetix is a Haven for Self-Improvement Read More »

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