
Tips To Staying Healthy From a Pro Athlete, Devin McCourty of the New England Patriots

Reading Time: 2 minutes

We had an opportunity to chat with our longtime client, Devin McCourty to gain some insights into how he managed to take care of his body as he is going into his 11th season of the NFL.

Here are some key takeaways from the interview

1. Be accountable for your own health and create a daily routine that sets you up for success.

It is extremely important to understand that being healthy is a lifelong process that involves a day to day process. Being healthy means being accountable for your exercise routine, sleep, and eating habits.

2. Get to know your body and find supporting people to help you maintain your health

Take the time to get to know your body. Understand the difference between pain vs. injury and find people (physical therapist, massage therapist, fitness coach, and nutritionist) to help you overcome that problem before it gets worse.

3. For parents and young athletes, play multiple sports and don’t specialize early

Learn different motor skills by playing multiple sports instead of focusing on just one. Devin contributed his success in the NFL from years of playing basketball in high school. Each different sport will challenge other aspects of physical athleticism. By learning your weaknesses early on, you can find ways to improve them as you keep climbing up to a higher level of competition.

If you want to listen to the full interview on our podcast please click here for iTunes and Spotify

Please share this with any parents of athletes who have an aspiration to play at the highest level in their sport.

Feel free to send us an email if you want us to help you get to the next level or if you are dealing with some pain and injury right now info@myokinetix.com

Always in your corner,

The Myokinetix Team

Dr. Natty Bandasak

Dr. Natty Bandasak

It all started in 2012 when I severely injured my back working out; I couldn’t walk for 2 weeks. The pain was terrible all I could do was just lay in bed and feel hopeless.  I kept wishing that the pain would stop so I could go back to working out and doing what I was passionate about. This started my journey in the Physical Therapy world. I attended Physical Therapy and went from an immobile shell of myself to back in the gym, working out again within 2 weeks. I took that experience with me and applied to Physical Therapy school with the hope of helping people who are going through the same struggle that I experienced.

Fast-forwarded to 2016 when I received my Doctorate in Physical Therapy and began my career. I was filled with excitement and eager to help as many people as possible.  The reality kicked in when I was working tirelessly in a PT clinic that was extremely busy and was treating 3-4 patients per hour. I was not able to give the care that my patients deserved due to time restriction. This was when I realized that the healthcare system is broken and was no longer about the patients but rather the profit. I envisioned a place where patients are being put FIRST and treated like VIP the first minute they set foot in the door. This was the spark that ignited Myokinetix Therapy and Performance.

2018 was the year when I pursued my vision and started a patient-eccentric practice. This was the only way for me to fulfill my true passion for helping people to take their lives back. The goals of the company are to help patients by:

  • Avoid unnecessary surgeries and pain medication.
  • Providing TRUE one-on-one care.
  • Create a positive relationship between patients and their bodies.
  • Empower patients to better themselves each and every day.
  • Maintain independence through strength and mobility.

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