

Strengthen Your Rotator Cuff at Home With These Exercises 

Reading Time: 4 minutes In today’s world, where forward-facing activities dominate our daily lives, our rotator cuff muscles often get overshadowed by larger muscle groups like the pecs. Neglecting the rotator cuff can lead to various shoulder issues, including impingement and instability. However, with targeted exercises, you can strengthen these muscles effectively at home.  In this comprehensive guide, we’ll […]

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Stretch Therapy vs. Yoga

Reading Time: 4 minutes Introduction Stretch therapy and yoga are both popular practices that aim to improve flexibility, mobility, and overall well-being. While they share some similarities, they also have distinct differences in their approaches, techniques, and intended outcomes. In this blog, we’ll dive into the contrasting aspects of stretch therapy and yoga to help you understand which might

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How Saunas Can Help Benefit Your Recovery

Reading Time: 3 minutes When you’re trying to recover from an injury, it’s important to consider different ways to speed up the process. One not-so-obvious helper in this journey is the sauna – yes, you heard that right! Let’s break down three unexpected perks that come with adding sauna sessions to your injury recovery routine. Whether you’re an athlete

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Try These 3 Squat VARIATIONS for RELIEF From Lower Body Pain

Reading Time: 4 minutes Are your knees giving you grief during workouts? You’re not alone in this struggle. Let’s explore the root causes of knee pain, pinpointing the trouble spots: the kneecap and the patellar tendon. That uncomfortable crunching sensation, especially during squats? It often stems from kneecap discomfort caused by compression. And those nagging pains in the patellar

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Wellness in Parents Over 40

Reading Time: 8 minutes Challenges in Healthcare & Insurance for the 40+ In the last ten years, healthcare changes have deeply affected those parents over 40. Clinicians used to build strong patient relationships but are now limited to short visits due to operational costs, leaving them overworked and underpaid. Insurance systems control access and prices, worsened by pharmaceutical companies

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Empower Your Well-being: Treat Your Health as a Valuable Investment

Reading Time: 3 minutes In this fast-paced world, the pursuit of a successful and fulfilling life often comes at the expense of our well-being. We may delay prioritizing our health, assuming that modern medicine will always be there to fix us. But what if there’s a better way? What if we could invest in our health just like we

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Reading Time: 2 minutes Challenge Yourself to Expand Your Mind These days, as taking care of our health becomes more important than ever, we hear a lot about our physical wellness and how to improve it using nutritious foods and exercise. But what about our intellectual wellness?  Why does Intellectual Wellness Matter? The University of New Hampshire defines intellectual wellness


It’s About Chasing Small Wins to Reach Your Bigger Goals

It’s About Chasing Small Wins to Reach Your Bigger Goals

Reading Time: 3 minutes When a new year rolls around, people typically set goals and resolutions to improve their lives in the coming year. However, by February, many people have fallen off the wagon, becoming discouraged about accomplishing these initiatives they set for themselves. We see this a lot in PT, with patients setting large goals that just aren’t

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How to Optimize Your Recovery

Reading Time: 3 minutes What is Recovery? Exercising is a key component needed to stay mobile and maintain an active lifestyle to enjoy what life has to offer. It starts by simply going for a walk to actively exercising using things like weights or equipment. Once exercises are done consistently, individuals will get stronger, being able to lift heavier

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Back to School and Sports Health and Wellness Guide

Reading Time: 6 minutes Back-to-school is an exciting time for students and student-athletes as they prepare to begin a new academic year, reconnect with friends, and participate in extracurricular activities. However, after a period of relaxation over the summer, it is critical to approach the return to school and sports with caution. Prioritizing health and wellness during this period

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