

How to Incorporate Physical Therapy Exercises at Work

Reading Time: 7 minutes Life gets busy, and fitting in physical therapy exercises can feel like a big task. But don’t worry! With just a few simple changes, we’ll help you make these exercises a doable part of your daily routine.  In this blog, we’re here to guide you through easy strategies that smoothly blend physical therapy exercises into […]

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How To Say Goodbye to Shoulder Pain During Bench Press

Reading Time: 6 minutes Is shoulder pain sabotaging your bench press gains? If so, you’re not alone. Many fitness enthusiasts face this hurdle, often unaware that small adjustments can make a world of difference. This blog dives deep into common mistakes compromising your shoulder health during bench workouts. We’re armed with solutions, from crafting the perfect warm-up routine to

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The Crucial Role of Parental Health for Child Well-being

Reading Time: 4 minutes In the intricacy that is parenthood, the health of parents is pivotal in shaping the lives of their children. Beyond providing love and guidance, parents serve as primary role models for their kids. This extends to the realm of health, where the habits and choices of parents profoundly impact the well-being and future of their

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How to Make Sure Your Physical Therapy is a Success 

Reading Time: 9 minutes Starting a physical therapy journey can be a life-changing experience, with the promise of increased mobility, strength, and general well-being. In order for physical therapy to be successful, patients themselves must actively participate and be committed. We’ll explore the crucial actions and strategies people can take to make sure their physical therapy experience is successful. 

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Reading Time: 2 minutes Challenge Yourself to Expand Your Mind These days, as taking care of our health becomes more important than ever, we hear a lot about our physical wellness and how to improve it using nutritious foods and exercise. But what about our intellectual wellness?  Why does Intellectual Wellness Matter? The University of New Hampshire defines intellectual wellness


It’s About Chasing Small Wins to Reach Your Bigger Goals

It’s About Chasing Small Wins to Reach Your Bigger Goals

Reading Time: 3 minutes When a new year rolls around, people typically set goals and resolutions to improve their lives in the coming year. However, by February, many people have fallen off the wagon, becoming discouraged about accomplishing these initiatives they set for themselves. We see this a lot in PT, with patients setting large goals that just aren’t

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How to Optimize Your Recovery

Reading Time: 3 minutes What is Recovery? Exercising is a key component needed to stay mobile and maintain an active lifestyle to enjoy what life has to offer. It starts by simply going for a walk to actively exercising using things like weights or equipment. Once exercises are done consistently, individuals will get stronger, being able to lift heavier

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Back to School and Sports Health and Wellness Guide

Reading Time: 6 minutes Back-to-school is an exciting time for students and student-athletes as they prepare to begin a new academic year, reconnect with friends, and participate in extracurricular activities. However, after a period of relaxation over the summer, it is critical to approach the return to school and sports with caution. Prioritizing health and wellness during this period

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From Torn Labrum To State Champion

Reading Time: 2 minutes How Logan Wadle Finished Strong One thing we want all of our patients to know is just because they’ve suffered an injury, it doesn’t mean their athletic career is over. Don’t just take it from us; take it from Logan Wadle, a high school wrestler who became one of our patients after a shoulder injury.

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Does Your Body Feel Stuck Like in NYC Traffic?

Reading Time: 4 minutes THE SYMPTOMS OF CHRONIC STRESS Sometimes, the patients we see report suffering from more than a physical injury. There are feelings of brain fog, the inability to fall asleep, loss of body hair, unexplained weight loss, lack of motivation, nervousness, and ongoing fatigue that just won’t go away. These symptoms fall under the umbrella of

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