

The Difference Between Dry Needling And Acupuncture

Reading Time: 4 minutes In the realm of alternative therapies, dry needling and acupuncture often emerge as two prominent contenders, with both approaches utilizing thin needles to address various health concerns. While they may seem similar at first glance, there are fundamental differences in their philosophies, techniques, and applications.  Let’s dive into the differences between dry needling and acupuncture […]

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Enhance Your Knee Injury Recovery with the Power of Acupuncture

Reading Time: 3 minutes Knee pain can be an incredibly debilitating issue, often stemming from injuries affecting the meniscus, a crucial cartilage-type structure nestled between the knee bones. While sudden twisting or cutting motions represent the most common causes of meniscus injury, prolonged stress on the knee joint can also gradually lead to such injuries, varying in severity from

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Enhance Your Performance On the Field with Performance Acupuncture

Reading Time: 5 minutes Are you struggling to reach your fitness goals, feeling like your body is not responding to your efforts, or experiencing discomfort and muscle disconnection during workouts? If so, you’re not alone. Many athletes and active individuals face these challenges in their fitness journeys. Enhance your performance with performance acupuncture, a holistic approach that can help

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It’s About Chasing Small Wins to Reach Your Bigger Goals

It’s About Chasing Small Wins to Reach Your Bigger Goals

Reading Time: 3 minutes When a new year rolls around, people typically set goals and resolutions to improve their lives in the coming year. However, by February, many people have fallen off the wagon, becoming discouraged about accomplishing these initiatives they set for themselves. We see this a lot in PT, with patients setting large goals that just aren’t

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How to Optimize Your Recovery

Reading Time: 3 minutes What is Recovery? Exercising is a key component needed to stay mobile and maintain an active lifestyle to enjoy what life has to offer. It starts by simply going for a walk to actively exercising using things like weights or equipment. Once exercises are done consistently, individuals will get stronger, being able to lift heavier

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A Firefighter’s Recovery – Myokinetix is a Haven for Self-Improvement

Reading Time: 3 minutes How Ryan McPherson Beat Tendinitis Myokinetix is for everyone, and we mean it when we say that. Myokinetix is not just a place for injured athletes but where people in our community can come together and work on becoming their best selves. This includes those who keep our community safe, like firefighter Ryan McPherson. Before

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The Most Important Investment Of Your Life – Your Health

Reading Time: 3 minutes Decisions Today Make a Healthier Tomorrow Most people know the importance of investing their money for a future payoff. You take a little out of your paycheck today to take care of yourself later when you retire. This thought process is standard in the financial industry, that giving up a little money now is worth

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Acupuncture: The Perfect Partner For Physical Therapy

Reading Time: 2 minutes Myokinetix’s primary goal is always to provide our patients with the best possible care. That’s why we offer various therapies that can benefit our patients’ recovery in ways that feel the best for them and work the best for their bodies. One therapy option we offer at Myokinetix is acupuncture, and our in-house acupuncturist Danny

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